Marketing Plan on a Page Workshop!


The ultimate antidote to overthinking: get your marketing strategy mapped out on a single page, so you're abundantly clear how you're getting the clients you need to hit your goals each quarter!



What happened to last year's plan?
Turn into digital dust somewhere in your Google Drive?

How many times have you made a plan in January, only to find you stop looking it come March and by June it's totally obsolete? 

Yup. It's not just you.

The average 'marketing plan' is doomed from the beginning!

Far too detailed, they take hours or even days to create, then require so much maintenance to keep them up to date it would probably be more cost effective to hire a 'plan babysitter' if one existed! 


Be gone, ye complicated, multi-page plan that's useless (except for ticking boxes on your biz owner's new year list).

Hello, one page plan that stays relevant and guides all your decision making!


In just over an hour together, you'll walk away with:

A slick yet simple one-page plan to stick on your wall, keeping you focused on what's important and guiding your decisions!

Clarity on how you'll reach your annual goal with activities each quarter to sign the right clients. 

Confidence in your numbers so you know it's possible to smash marketing out of the park!

This is for YOU, if any of this sounds familiar: 

  • You have a service-based business - coach, creative freelancer or professional
  • You've found it hard to create plans that you can use for the year - things seem to change so often!
  • You tend to get buried in the day-to-day tasks of your business and then find yourself at the end of the year still a long way from your goal.
  • You have a vision for the year, you just need clarity on how you will achieve it!
  • You want to make it easier and more productive - focused on what's best for YOUR business!
jessica osborn marketing coach for service-based small business women entrepreneurs
Jessica Osborn marketing coach

When you enrol:


✔️ 60 minute workshop to create your 1 Page Plan


✔️ Send me your Plan for a private review and feedback! VALUE $400!

✔️ Keep the plan template for upcoming years too!

ONLY $49 today!


Hi there! I’m Jessica

Strategy coach for high-ticket offers, marketing professional, mum of two, passionate about travel, food and #beachlife.

I've been called the ‘Niche Ninja’ because I’ve helped them zero in on their unique value so they’re standing out from the crowd and attracting premium clients - aka higher profits in less time! 

Over the last 25ish years I've led many corporate marketing teams to build million (and billion!) dollar brands. 

And since 2010 I've also created two high earning service businesses that I can run from home in very low part-time hours I have time to enjoy being Mum to my 2 kiddos.

Using my strategic framework, I've already helped hundreds of other women refine their strategy to attract premium clients so they can work less and earn more!

So… if you’re looking to take your services business to the next level, without the hustle, you’re in the right place!

What if this were you?

300% increase in profit and more 'free' time back!


Jess challenged me to better define my own target audience and offer. I felt like Jess gave me 'permission' to increase my pricing, and the very next project I secured generated $12k more in revenue! 

She also helped me automate my business back end. Now I spend more time working on the stuff I love and less time doing admin tasks.


Melissa Packham – Brand Consultant

I signed my first 4-figure client!


Business JAM is just what I needed. I am now clear on who I want to serve in my business, how to deliver my services and how to make it work around my family commitments.

One of the best things I learned was not to base my price on my competitors, but to focus on my own value and what I could bring. It’s been a game-changer!


Georgina Chai -  Flourish Career Services

Launched a new business and successfully launched a mastermind program


I love working with Jess. Not only is she one of the most patient human beings I’ve ever met, she was extremely helpful in guiding me through my journey to figure out what and how I wanted to build my coaching business.

I had all the ideas but didn't have the confidence or clarity on how to make the transition from my first business (as a tutor and teacher) into coaching.


Kirsty Gibbs – Kirsty Gibbs Coaching

I increased my average project value by 825% in just 8 weeks!


Business JAM has been a game changer. Jess helped me find the confidence and clarity to increase my prices and simplify my offer.

I’ve reduced non-billable time, and eliminated the overwhelm I felt from being everything to everyone. 

It’s easily the best business decision I’ve ever made – and the best investment.


Miranda Packer - Wordbird Copywriting

Because of Business JAM, my new business was instantly profitable.


Business JAM is the best investment I made in 2020! Jess taught me how to package my services to appeal to my ideal clients, as well as develop a clear plan where every marketing activity has a specific purpose.

This meant I stopped wasting time doing things that don’t work for MY business, and I gained time back to spend with my son.


Claudia Harley – Bookkeeping for Wealth

I smashed my entire year's revenue goal in less than 90 days!


Before Business JAM, I had shiny object syndrome, wasting time and always wondering ‘Do I do this, or that?’. 

Now I’m clear on the value I provide and who my ideal audience is - changing my pricing, offer structure and everything to suit!

The clarity I now have is so freeing, because I’ve stopped second guessing. I can back myself and just get things done.


Alexandra Lopez - Voice Strategist, Coach

Ready to stop overthinking your plan and keep it simple?