160 - How To Cut Through The Crowd By Having Fun In Your Content - With Lisa Twohig

Season #1

Why do you follow who you follow?

What is it about them, specifically, that makes you want to follow them?

When you stop to think about it, it's probably not their professional brand, credentials, or funny cat memes - right?

It's far more likely your reasons are things like their vibe, their reason for being, their realness, their direct way of speaking, and how relatable they are, or how they make you laugh!

Humour is changing the game because it's connecting to our emotions.

When did we all decide that business had to be more serious than Donald Trump's trial, anyway?

There's so much doom and gloom around (just watch the 6pm news for your daily dose) that its a refreshing to find something lighthearted and funny in the feed.

Using humour to deliver your content and support your messaging is a well-honed skill of Visibility and Content Coach Lisa Twohig, who's best known for her quirky character and slightly inappropriate posts that make you laugh.

In today's episode you'll hear Lisa explain the 3 steps she uses to create simple content that cuts through the crowd because it's FULL of fun!

And, you'll also learn:

  • How to turn any post into something relatable and funny
  • Why you don't need to be a comedian to be funny
  • The hidden reasons why so many women refrain from sharing their funny sides on social media and what you can do to make it easier


About our guest:

Lisa Twohig is a visibility and content coach, who lives in Brisbane with her husband, two teenage boys, a super fluffy cat, and a wild possum called Gary.

After 20 years of managing engineering projects, sheā€™s flying the flag for women over 40 who want to stand out online and make more than their old salary, using their unique stories and quirky sense of humour.

She's so obsessed with giving business owners permission to ditch their corporate voice, that sheā€™s often seen sharing mildly inappropriate posts on Facebook and totally inappropriate stories in her emails.


Connect with Lisa:

Website: www.lisatcoaching.com

Instagram: @lisatcoaching

Facebook Page: @lisatcoaching



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