188 - 3 Steps To Create A Home-Run Offer That Makes It Easy To Sign Clients

Season #1

Ever caught yourself wondering why, after all your hard work, your coaching offerings aren't giving you the blissful entrepreneur lifestyle you imagined?

The truth is, creating an offer that sells might get you started, but it's the home run offer that has you rounding the bases to real success.

In this episode I'm discussing the anatomy of a home run offer that's a Win for you and a Win for your client too!

Get ready to discover the 3 essential elements to offerings that not only sell but also lead to sustained prosperity and fulfillment in your coaching business, all while maintaining the balance within the precious hours of your day!

Here's a snapshot of what you'll know by the end of the episode:

- Why it's more important to start with your expertise rather than looking for holes in the market

- What the difference is between an outcome your clients already desire and something you know they need (and how this impacts your sales success)

- The vital role of aligning your offer with your personal income and lifestyle goals.

- How to structure your offers to ensure they are both profitable for you and beneficial for your clients.


Get your headphones ready, grab that notepad, and prepare to elevate your business offerings to match the incredible entrepreneur you are destined to be.

Tune in now and let me guide you toward crafting that powerful home run offer! 🌟



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Special Offer for She's The Business Podcast Listeners!

Did you catch Episode 187 with Dr. Alex Golden? She's a master NLP trainer and transformation coach, and she shared details of their upcoming in-person retreats where you'll experience an accelerated transformation through their unique functional NLP approach!

Listen to the episode for details on claiming your free ticket to either the August or January event!
More details: 2 Day In-Person Habit Transformation Retreat 


Free Training for Coaches and Online Professionals who want to earn more while working less!

Spend just an hour with me in this free training session and you'll walk away with the 5 keys to magnetically attract Premium Paying clients - so you can have a 6+ figure business in less than 20 hours a week!

Register here > The Magnetic Formula: 5 Keys To Premium Paying Clients