She's The Business Podcast With Jessica Osborn

She's The Business Podcast With Jessica Osborn

Hosted by: Jessica Osborn

She’s The Business Podcast is a weekly show bringing you inspiring stories and actionable advice to help you navigate the world of entrepreneurship and build a profitable business that allows you to live and work on...


043 - Embracing Your True Self to Kickstart Camera Confidence with Vasavi Kumar

Season #1

We could all do with more confidence getting ourselves on camera. Right? I’m so excited to bring an interview with Vasavi Kumar, a camera confidence coach, writer, and speaker. She helps thought leaders and experts to...
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042 - My Predictions For Marketing Trends In 2022

Season #1

I've got my crystal ball out and on today's pod, I'll be giving you my marketing predictions for 2022! So, if you want to know what's changed, what's new, and what's ahead – stay...
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041 - Why Narrowing Your Niche Is The Easiest Way To Get More Clients - with Catherine Phan & Natalie Teo

Season #1

Imagine if you knew that defining a specific niche or getting your ideal customer really well defined would result in a 500% increase in your profit! Of course, that would make the whole process a whole lot easier....
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040 - What To Do When Your Marketing Isn't Working

Season #1

Argghh! What to do when your marketing isn’t working? The online world is constantly buzzing, telling you what you should be doing and how you should be getting on the latest and greatest marketing ‘trend’, so how do...
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039 - Top 7 Ways To Increase Conversions on Your Website - with Desiree Robards

Season #1

We all know websites are a must-have for business. And if someone is going to buy from you, they have most likely visited your website. That’s why it’s so important to have a high converting website. BUT, what makes a...
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038 - How to Get Rid Of Self Judgement So You Can Succeed in 2022!

Season #1

What was standing in the way of your growth last year? I believe, for the vast majority of us, it was something that comes from within. And if we can shift it, we open up to exponential growth for 2022!  This episode...
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037 - The Essential Skill We Need To Develop If We Want To Be Memorable - With Hannah Michelotti

Season #1

Think back to school…remember when you had to stand up and give a speech? Easy. Right? I still have horrors even thinking about it! If you’re like most of us, you’ve had no formal training in presenting to an...
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036 - How Your Side-Hustle Is Holding You Back and What To Change In 2022!

Season #1

I have an unpopular opinion! I think the word ‘side hustle’ should be banned from YOUR vocabulary in 2022. Tune in to today’s podcast ep to find out...
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035 - Why Culture Is Important for Your Business to Thrive - With Tanya Siggins

Season #1

Have you thought much about the culture of your business? Could it be impacting your business success?   In today’s podcast ep, I’ll chat to ‘culture crusader’ Tanya Siggins, founder of Zest Boutique Consulting &...
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034 - Will The Real Marketing Strategy Please Stand Up? How To Recognise The Difference Between Tactics and Strategy

Season #1

It’s our final podcast episode for 2021. It’s hard to believe we are at 34 episodes already. That’s gone quick! 2021 has been an amazing year because I have got to work with so many women in business. I work with many...
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033 - How Intuitive Eating And Your Nutrition Mindset Creates More Success In Business - With Ines Schubi

Season #1

Our nutritional mindset is not something we talk about often in our entrepreneurial circles. Instead, we are all focused on what we can do to be more successful in business, and that’s usually in our marketing,...
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032 - A Simpler Way to Plan For Intuitive Entrepreneurs That Prefer To Go-With-The-Flow

Season #1

The key to many things in life is simplicity – and this is true for business as well! In today’s episode, I’ll discuss why I believe the traditional way of doing business planning is outdated, inefficient, and...
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