She's The Business Podcast With Jessica Osborn

She's The Business Podcast With Jessica Osborn

Hosted by: Jessica Osborn

She’s The Business Podcast is a weekly show bringing you inspiring stories and actionable advice to help you navigate the world of entrepreneurship and build a profitable business that allows you to live and work on...


031 - From IT Consultant to Naturopath, Author and Speaker - How She Discovered Her Purpose & Built a Thriving Business Around It - With Claudia Milbourne_mixdown

Season #1

Today on the podcast, we are looking at how one woman found her ultimate purpose (her WHY) after leaving a career in IT consulting to become a Naturopath.  Claudia Milbourne from Peoniflora Naturopathic Women’s Health...
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030 - Where to Invest Your Time for Faster Results

Season #1

Time is the most valuable asset for a business owner because it’s finite! We only have a set amount of time during the day, and if you’re like me and you don’t want to spend 15 hrs a day working on your business, you...
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029 - Creating Content With Clarity and Confidence - with Melissa Daniels

Season #1

Content is king! Everyone knows how important it is to create consistent content for your business these days. We are in the information age, and it is the most valuable resource you can have for your business.   As...
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028 - Defining Value So You Can Price Your Services With Confidence

Season #1

What’s holding you back from pricing your services with confidence? It’s usually the question of value. Right?  How much is my service really worth? What is the value of this to my ideal customer? If you have these...
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027 - How To Get Over Your Resistance To Selling - With Leah Mason-Virgin

Season #1

Does the thought of selling make you feel icky? Being pushy and salesy is off-putting to almost everyone, and you don’t want to be doing that! Well, it’s time you changed your mindset towards selling to overcoming...
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026 - How to Build Authority in Your Market So You Attract Better Clients

Season #1

Many people equate authority with fame, but that’s not what it means. Simply put, Authority = Trust. Trust = Sales. And, it’s not just any sales. It’s high-quality clients at your best rates! So, what creates...
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025 - Why Your Voice Brings You Bigger Audiences - With Katherine Beck

Season #1

Many of us struggle to find our voice as business owners, entrepreneurs, and mums! It can be a daunting task navigating the online world of social media lives, promo videos, podcasts, etc., especially if you are not...
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024 - Why I'm Changing To USD Pricing After 4 Years in Business

Season #1

On today’s podcast, I’m celebrating a big milestone of being a global company now! As my business has grown and evolved over the last 4 years, I’ve welcomed more and more people from around the globe into my...
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023 - Avoid These 4 Biggest Mistakes When Outsourcing Your Website Design - With Belinda Owen

Season #1

Websites can be a minefield! Whether you are new to business or have operated for years, many don’t know where to start, and others put it in the ‘too hard basket’. But you can avoid some common mistakes when...
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022 - 4 Ways to Scale Your Service-based Business

Season #1

Less is more is certainly the approach you want to take when scaling your business – it's not about adding more! A smarter, simpler way to scale is often by streamlining first, getting rid of the things that are...
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021 - Recognising Imposter Syndrome & Using It To Your Advantage - with Rachel Lounds

Season #1

Are you struggling with overwhelm? Or maybe it's a lack of confidence in yourself - the old 'imposter syndrome' holding you back? Today on the podcast, psychologist Rachel Lounds, from The Poschology Collective, is...
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020 - The Big Mistake Most People Make When They Try To Scale Their Business

Season #1

When people think about scaling a business, many believe it’s about adding lots of services, and the more you add, the more you can scale. But, I’m here to tell you that what you are doing is adding lots of heaviness...
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