She's The Business Podcast With Jessica Osborn

She's The Business Podcast With Jessica Osborn

Hosted by: Jessica Osborn

She’s The Business Podcast is a weekly show bringing you inspiring stories and actionable advice to help you navigate the world of entrepreneurship and build a profitable business that allows you to live and work on...


019 - The Best Way to Inject Your Brand Personality into Your Copywriting - with Elena Connolly

Season #1

Have you followed someone online and loved how they engage with their audience – the tones, words, expressions - and then tried to replicate it yourself awkwardly? This is not a recipe for success. It will be a flop...
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018 - Why Most Business Plans Don't Work and What To Do Instead

Season #1

Hands up if you have ever spent lots of time creating a business plan only for it to be relegated to the bottom of the drawer. Yes, I get it! When I was working in a corporate role as Head of Marketing and...
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017 - Lessons from Starting an Online Business with No Marketing Experience - With Anthea Tolan

Season #1

Most businesses start by solving a problem. That is exactly what Anthea Tolan did when she created Great Ocean Road Living. After buying a holiday home in Torquay, finding trusted local businesses to work on the...
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016 - Top 5 Things to Automate In Your Business Today

Season #1

There's nothing I love more than good automation! It means my business can keep ticking along while I'm asleep, wrangling the kids, or (better yet) on holidays! So, with the festive season fast approaching, I'll be...
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015 - 4 Ways To Streamline Your Life and Take Back Control of Your Time - with Lisa Twohig

Season #1

Do you feel like you are in an exhausting battle trying to get the right work-life balance? Of course, as working mums, we want to be the best we can be for our families and in our businesses, but how do we do that?...
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014 - How to Avoid Undercharging and Low Price Competition

Season #1

Pricing is that elephant in the room that no one likes to talk about. I’ve seen many clients get stuck when it comes to pricing their services, so in today’s podcast episode, I’ll be myth-busting some common pricing...
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013 - How Choosing a Niche Resulted in Quantum Leap Growth - with Alexandra Lopez

Season #1

Are you operating your business trying to be something to everyone? I get it! When you are new in business and building a client base, it’s easy to say yes to any job that comes your way. But what if there’s a better...
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012 - How to Identify Your Unique Value So That You Get The Best Clients

Season #1

Today we will be talking about differentiation and why it's essential to attracting clients to your service-based business. If you are in a service-based business - you're an online professional, you offer creative...
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011 - What To Do When Someone Copies Your Stuff - with Tracey Mylecharane

Season #1

Today I am joined by Tracey from TM Solicitor. Tracey is a business lawyer and will share her insights on dealing with the different types of copycats that we may encounter in our business life.  There's been a bit of...
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010 - The Worst Piece of Business Advice Ever!

Season #1

I will reveal one of the worst pieces of marketing advice that I see out there all of the time. And I still see it on so many business advice websites, especially government sites, or anything published a while ago. ...
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009 - Signs You Could Be Heading For Burnout and How To Avoid It - With Honni Hayton

Season #1

Today on the podcast, I will be chatting to Counsellor Honni Hayton on the relevant topic of 'Signs You Could Be Heading For Burnout and How To Avoid It'. Honni has a counselling practice, Honni Hayton Counselling,...
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008 - What To Do When You Have More Than One Ideal Customer Profile

Season #1

On the podcast today, I'm talking about something I see as one of the biggest problems that many entrepreneurs have. I have this conversation repeatedly with many people in my coaching groups and even in my Facebook...
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