She's The Business Podcast With Jessica Osborn

She's The Business Podcast With Jessica Osborn

Hosted by: Jessica Osborn

She’s The Business Podcast is a weekly show bringing you inspiring stories and actionable advice to help you navigate the world of entrepreneurship and build a profitable business that allows you to live and work on...


127 - Why Thinking Like A Journalist Will Give You The Edge In Your Business - With Tahnee Sanders

Season #1

We normally associate journalists with being able to dig up a good story, but how does thinking like a journalist help you as an entrepreneur? Today I'm joined by Tahnée Sanders, founder of The Strategy Studio. She's...
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126 - The Gamechanging Actions That Led To Their Success - An Interview With 3 Successful Female Founders

Season #1

Love to get the inside scoop? The lesson that someone else had to learn the harder way but you can leapfrog over all that learning to get there faster? Me too! That's why I invited these 3 successful women to a live...
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125 - How She Avoided A Costly Rebranding Mistake - With Emma Heuston

Season #1

Have you ever considered rebranding? Maybe you've outgrown your brand, or evolved in a different direction, and the old brand is really 'you' anymore? In today's episode, lawyer Emma Heuston, founder of Ready To Boss...
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124 - The Word You Need To Embrace For Real Success In 2023

Season #1

I'm not usually one to attach too much to one word or another... but recently I've come to realise that I was fighting an internal battle. One word that people told me not to use in my messaging, that it was 'too...
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123 - From Midwife To Caesarean Recovery Expert, Speaker and Author - With Leonie Rastas

Season #1

After having 6 caesareans and spending well over 30 years as a midwife, you could say that Leonie Rastas is quite the expert on c-sections and all the things that can happen during recovery! She never imagined...
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122 - Start Your Breakthrough Year With This Incredible Manifesting Exercise

Season #1

Alrighty, 2023 - let's begin! What will happen for you this year? The goals, aspirations and visions you have are probably all buzzing around your head right now - if you're anything like me! Today's episode is a...
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121 - How To Know If A Podcast Is Right For Your Business - With Anne Claessen

Season #1

Have you been thinking about starting a podcast but just not sure if it's really WORTH it for your business? What's the return on investment? How much time does it actually take? And can you make money from having a...
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120 - Why Your Customer Avatar Isn't Working For You (And What To Do Instead!)

Season #1

Got that feeling like you're just not connecting with the people you'd like to become clients? You see them out there, see all the potential business - but for some reason, they just aren't seeing YOU as the solution...
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119 - 4 Hacks To Better Health For Time-Poor Entrepreneurs - With Kayla Radliff

Season #1

When you run your own business, it can be hard to prioritize your body and mind above the needs of your clients, deadlines, and the latest project. And if you're a parent as well, let's just say that our needs are...
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118 - 5 Counter-Intuitive Rules For Success In Online Business

Season #1

How often do you rely on logic to make decisions? Most of the time - right? That's what we've trained our brains for since we were little... BUT what would seem to be logical, to make 'sense' is SOMETIMES not true at...
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117 - Why Weaving Masculine Strategy With Feminine Quantum Energetics Leads To Easier Growth - with Eugenia Oganova

Season #1

Did you know that you can access both masculine strategy and feminine energy within you? And that you NEED both for your business to function and flow smoothly, with less effort? According to my special guest, and...
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116 - 5 Hidden Ways You Could Be Holding Yourself Back From Easier Growth In Your Business

Season #1

Success leaves clues... when you look at those who've experienced growth, searching for patterns to give clues as to what caused it, you can also find patterns and clues to what prevented the growth beforehand! What...
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