She's The Business Podcast With Jessica Osborn

She's The Business Podcast With Jessica Osborn

Hosted by: Jessica Osborn

She’s The Business Podcast is a weekly show bringing you inspiring stories and actionable advice to help you navigate the world of entrepreneurship and build a profitable business that allows you to live and work on...


115 - Why Using Your Human Design Enables You To Lead Your Business With More Ease - With Samantha Riley

Season #1

No doubt you're aware that us humans can be so different, and even when you look at entrepreneurs - there's no 'one type' of person that makes a successful entrepreneur. Yet, some are far more successful at building...
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114 - What It Takes To Be A Thought Leader In 2023

Season #1

Have you noticed something different about today's top thought leaders vs those of a few years ago? I've seen a big shift in the way those who now rise to thought leadership status present themselves and connect with...
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113 - 3 Secrets To Hiring The Right Person For Your Team - With Paula Maidens

Season #1

Hiring should be easy, right? Find someone with the right skills who you get along with and done! Yet so often we get it wrong, or at least that’s how it seems when you’re constantly following up on outstanding...
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112 - How To Pitch Anything So You Get A Heck-Yes, Not A Hell-No!

Season #1

Ever had to pitch something and found it tricky to get a yes? Even if there's no money changing hands, anytime you're making a proposal to someone to do something, it's a pitch. And there's a right way and wrong way...
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111 - How To Be More Productive So You Can Succeed In A Part-Time Business - With Steph Gobraiel

Season #1

Have you been paying attention to your productivity? Everyone knows productivity is a good thing - but do you know specifically what it means for you and your business? There's busy-productive and there's busy-busy...
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110 - How To Price Your 1:Many Online Product So That More People Buy

Season #1

 So you've created an online product - a course, membership, group program or event - and now all you need to do is figure out how to price it, and why is that bit so hard? It's just deciding on a number! We already...
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109 - The 3 Key Places Your Copywriting Increases Sales - With Molly Frank

Season #1

Your words are powerful... they can make or break a deal. They can cause confusion or provide startling clarity! They create a connection or repel you away..... And that's why your words are so important in your...
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108 - How To Turn Your 1:1 Service Into A 1:Many Online Product

Season #1

Your 1:1 service is a super easy way to get started in business...   and then inevitably you hit a roadblock: TIME. Maxed out on time, working with as many clients as you can, working too many hours... and often this...
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107 - 4 Common Ways We Sabotage Success In Our Diets And Our Business - With Mari Harrison

Season #1

If you've been in business for longer than a few months you'll likely have felt like there's some sort of invisible rope holding you back from what you're trying to achieve. No matter how hard you pull or push, what...
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106 - What A Niche Really Is And What It Isn't!

Season #1

Your niche isn't a description of what you do...   it's your sweet spot in the market! Yes, there's a big difference, and most service-based businesses struggle with their niche because they're approaching it as a way...
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105 - Why You Need A Stand-Out Employer Brand (Even If You Only Hire Contractors!) - With Kelly Stone

Season #1

Have you ever considered the state of your 'employer brand'?   How often do you hire people only to find that they're not a good fit for your business? Even if you don't have employees per se, but you hire external...
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104 - How To Be A Magnet For High-Value Clients So You Can Say "No" To Uninspiring Work

Season #1

Have you been trapped on the 'marketing treadmill'? I see so many online professionals spreading themselves thin doing allllllll the tactics and wondering why they aren’t working, even after following someone's...
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