She's The Business Podcast With Jessica Osborn

She's The Business Podcast With Jessica Osborn

Hosted by: Jessica Osborn

She’s The Business Podcast is a weekly show bringing you inspiring stories and actionable advice to help you navigate the world of entrepreneurship and build a profitable business that allows you to live and work on...


103 - The 3 Types Of Stories You Need To Be Telling Your Audience - With Nick Demos

Season #1

Can you think of a thought leader you follow who isn't good at telling stories? You most likely can't! A thought leader is someone who's able to change how we think about something, and the best way to do that is...
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102 - Why Cold Selling Is Damaging Your Business And What To Do Instead

Season #1

There’s been an explosion of cold DMs in my world lately so I’m guessing it’s the same everywhere…   And as our online space becomes more crowded with freelancers and small businesses vying for attention I think we...
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101 - How Tragically Losing Her Husband Led To A Purpose-Filled Global Business - With Karen Sutton

Season #1

Isn't it hard to imagine building your life back together after losing your life partner, let alone building a business at the same time? Today's special guest, Karen Sutton, previously had no business experience, but...
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100 - How To Know It's Time To Start A New Chapter In Your Business

Season #1

You know when you climb a mountain it feels like it goes up, up, up forever, and then all of a sudden come out on the top. Things look different! You can see clearly. You know exactly what you'd do differently if you...
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099 - Why Your Business Is A Reflection Of Your Health and How To Improve In 8 Simple Steps - With Amy Lang

Season #1

Did you know that your business health directly relates to your personal well-being? When one starts to slide into the depths... the other often does too! So how can you keep yourself and your business healthy? Today...
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098 - 3 Easy Ways To Reduce Your Non-Billable Time So You Can Earn More While Working Less!

Season #1

Are you wondering how you can serve more clients in your business when you're already maxed out with your time? The admin pile grows and there NEVER seems to be enough time to do it all - right? If that sounds...
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097 - How to Create Connection Through Your Brand That Sets You Apart - With Martiene Van Steyn

Season #1

Have you noticed that some brands evoke a sense of deep connection right to the heart of your very being, while others are only skin-deep? What is it about the ones that connect and how do they do it? That's what...
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096 - How To Reach The Right People To Grow Your Audience, Without Paid Ads!

Season #1

Why do you think some people have a massive amount of followers and audience on their social media platform... but then find it hard to get clients. While others with just a few followers are very successful 7-Figure...
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095 - Why High-Achievers Need Strong Alignment In Their Business - With Kelly Carthy

Season #1

Are you constantly busy but feel like you're moving SLOWLY in your business? If that's you, and you're a high-achieving type, --then you might simply be out of alignment with your business. When you're out of...
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094 - What To Do Before You Pivot Your Business

Season #1

Have you considered pivoting your business? It's been a hot topic over the last couple of years with some businesses forced to pivot into online offerings just to stay afloat.  However, now that we're returning to...
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093 - How To Know If You Suffer From Fear Of Success - With Kim Kelley Thompson

Season #1

We've all heard of fear of failure, but how about fear of success? Yes, it's a real thing and often goes undiscovered as one of the biggest blocks standing in our way! Today on the podcast my special guest, business...
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092 - The #1 Worst Question To Ask When You're Setting Your Rates

Season #1

You already know that you can provide value to your customers and yet you struggle with pricing your services to your customers. Maybe because you are doing it wrong when it comes to asking the right question on what...
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